Here are a few of the most common questions we get, along with answers to the questions. Contact us if any of your questions are not answered or if you would like more information.

Can I earn college credit from MRV CTEC?
For most MRV CTEC courses, yes. The collaborating schools contract with MN West for college level courses that are part of the MN West curriculum. Credits are awarded to enrolled students by MN West and are part of the Minnesota State system.
What does college credit cost for MRV CTEC courses?
College credits are paid by the home school districts for each student. There is no cost for the college credit to students or their families. This is similar to students participating in PSEO programs.
Who can participate in MRV CTEC courses?
How do I know if MRV CTEC is for me?
Talk to your counselor about your post secondary plans. MRV CTEC may have a course(s) that will help you determine your future career path.
What teaching credentials do MRV CTEC staff have?
Our teaching staff is qualified to help you learn!
Minnesota West instructors are certified to teach college-level courses and award college credits. The non-college-level courses are taught by teachers licensed in the state of Minnesota.
Learn more about our faculty and staff here.
How do students enroll for classes at MRV CTEC?
Students can enroll in MRV CTEC courses through the registration process at their home high school.
Talk to your school counselor to get started and enroll with MRV CTEC today.
How can I arrange a visit/tour of MRV CTEC?
Talk to your school counselor to get started and enroll with MRV CTEC today.
How do students get transportation to MRV CTEC?
Each collaborative school has different transportation policies to MRV CTEC courses. Ask your counselor about your school’s policy.
What does it cost to attend MRV CTEC?
The cost to attend MRV CTEC courses is free to families and students.
MRV CTEC Internship Handbook
Open the – MRV CTEC Internship Handbook